
Trust In Yourself And Never Doubt Yourself For One Minute.

Deanna Creator Of NonCustodial Mother's Day In 1999 I went through a divorce that cost a lot of money. I fought for custody of my children. The odds were against me and they were showing me as a bad mother and the father as a "great dad" so the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) stated. The GAL is an attorney for children and watches out for the best interest of the children in a divorce case. No matter what I did I was made out to be the bad parent and my ex a great father, even though I had a Personal Protection Order (PPO) against him for violence. I had to continue to remind myself that I was a great person, my children were my life and I would do anything for them. Knowing something was wrong and keeping myself out of jail, as the judge threatened to do to me, I kept quiet in court. I researched the players in my case and attended public meetings and events.  In the end, he got custody and my children were concealed from me. That is when I started researching a...

Traps Encountered By Battered Mothers

Women leaving violent relationships face many challenges and risks. A survivor with children may encounter even greater barriers in protecting herself and her children from an ex-partner. These barriers are especially insidious because they take the form of “no-win” situations or “traps.” If she stays she may be accused of “failing to protect” her children from violence and then faces more violence, yet leaving means facing the risk of stalking, harassment and more abuse. Reporting threats or violence to authorities or being reluctant to co-parent means she goes against the “friendly parent” standard used to award custody. She also risks being accused of making false allegations of abuse or being labeled as an “alienator,” causing “parental alienation syndrome” in her child. We illustrate such traps with survivors’ own words among those who experience very negative custody or visitation outcomes. Learn more here.

This poem was written by Maryann Petri on NonCustodial Mother's Day!

This poem was written by Maryann Petri on NonCustodial Mother's Day! Deanna just happened to come across the poem and love it! They both want to share with NonCustodial Mothers to let them know we have been through it. 

YouTube Pick Yourself Up Playlist For Parents In Family Court!

YouTube Pick Yourself Up Playlist For Parents In Family Court! Dealing with the family court can really get us down. Deanna created a list of music to lift your spirits and get you feeling better. Listen when you feel defeated or need a pick me up. There are kid’s songs, worship songs, oldies but goodies and more. Make your own YouTube list and add the songs you like. Feeling Defeated Tell Your Heart To Beat Again I Believe I Can Fly Beautifully Broken Voice Of Truth Hero Feeling Down Praise You In The Storm Joy - Backstreet Boys Joy Joy Joy - Michael Jackson Rise Up Don't Worry Be Happy Worship Joy Joy King and Country Joy Game On - Sing Language Joy By Tori Harper Sing For Joy Need To Breath The Happiness Happiness Is Here Happiness - Pharrell Williams Night Time We Like To Party I Gotta Feeling Let Grove Tonight Ladies Night Hip Hop Joy - Jimmy Ledrac Boom Boom Boom Pow Just Dance Uptown Funk Fu...

NonCustodial Mothers Asking For An Awareness Day On Facebook

NonCustodial Mothers Asking For An Awareness Day On Facebook Several mothers have contacted us and would like to do a social media awareness campaign. So on October 28th, NonCustodial Mother's Day, we would like you to take a picture of the mom photo above and make it your profile picture on Facebook. This way people will know you are a NonCustodial Mother and we can be aware just how many of us NonCustodial mothers there are. 

I Cannot Bear This Wicked Pain

I CANNOT BEAR THIS WICKED PAIN I Cannot Bear This Wicked Pain He slowly pulls the shade down and stabs me through the eye,  ️  The pain is so excruciating I wish that I could die. He pounds and beats and bashes at my brain inside my head, I cannot bear this wicked pain,  I would much rather be dead. I try to escape, I try to run, But he grabs me as he says,  "I've only just begun!" The doctor prescribed some medicine to help with all the pain ,  But no matter what I do, he will just beat me up again. I cannot hear anything but the pounding in my skull. My vision gets so blurry, then the throbbing becomes dull. Oh, how I wish and how I pray for the pain to simply go away, But he beats and bashes at my brain, I suffer from the terrible pain. If only I could find a cure then no one else would have to endure, The agony of these cruel attacks, I just want to get my life back.  To suffer no more from the...


MOTHER’S DAY: INSPIRATION FOR FATHER’S DAY The “ Mother’s Day ” we celebrate today has its origins in the peace-and-reconciliation campaigns of the post- Civil War  era. During the 1860s, at the urging of activist Ann Reeves Jarvis, one divided  West Virginia  town celebrated “Mother’s Work Days” that brought together the mothers of Confederate and Union soldiers. MOTHER'S DAY However, Mother’s Day did not become a commercial holiday until 1908, when–inspired by Jarvis’s daughter,  Anna Jarvis , who wanted to honor her own mother by making Mother’s Day a national holiday–the John Wanamaker department store in Philadelphia sponsored a service dedicated to mothers in its auditorium. Thanks in large part to this association with retailers, who saw great potential for profit in the holiday, Mother’s Day caught on right away. In 1909, 45 states observed the day, and in 1914, President  Woodrow Wilson  approved a resolution that made th...