Trust In Yourself And Never Doubt Yourself For One Minute.

Deanna Creator Of NonCustodial Mother's Day In 1999 I went through a divorce that cost a lot of money. I fought for custody of my children. The odds were against me and they were showing me as a bad mother and the father as a "great dad" so the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) stated. The GAL is an attorney for children and watches out for the best interest of the children in a divorce case. No matter what I did I was made out to be the bad parent and my ex a great father, even though I had a Personal Protection Order (PPO) against him for violence. I had to continue to remind myself that I was a great person, my children were my life and I would do anything for them. Knowing something was wrong and keeping myself out of jail, as the judge threatened to do to me, I kept quiet in court. I researched the players in my case and attended public meetings and events. In the end, he got custody and my children were concealed from me. That is when I started researching a...