Mom Hugs

Want a hug? Need to give a hug? Now you can do just that with these T-shirts! 

You can even get your kids to show love!

Kids Boys Give Non Custodial Moms Hugs T-Shirt
Kids Boys Give Non Custodial Moms Hugs T-Shirt
by TeamUPParents

Deanna has worked in the behavioral health field and has worked in level three and four facilities. Deanna states that when she could not be with her kids, she could be with other kids who could not be with their moms. She decided this would be a great way to not only share what is happening to mothers and children in the family court but to have moms be able to help other hurting kids or if they just need a hug to get one from someone who cares. She wanted kids to be able to participate and give a hug as well. 
