Mothers are losing custody of their children to abusive fathers at an alarming rate. Deanna Kloostra experienced this and her children were concealed from her. In 2011 she decided to create Non Custodial Mother's Day and is working to make it a holiday. Most noncustodial mothers do not get to celebrate Mother's Day since their children are usually concealed from them as Deanna's were. For more family court assistance check out Art Soolk.
Deanna figured October was Domestic Violence month so that would be the month, but what day?
She did research on domestic violence and the month of October. She discovered that on October 28, the Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) was enacted. This is actually Deanna's birthday as well.Deanna went on to fight for her children and became a force to be reckoned with.
She exposed corruption in her case and other entities. She has a Bachelor's degree in Human Services and has worked at behavioral health facilities for kids, autistic children, and low-income housing.
Deanna's passion is to help women of domestic violence.
She has created several businesses to help mothers and parents in the family court system. She has websites, blogs, and programs to help parents dealing with the family court. She is a Legal Domestic Abuse Coach and has written articles about the family court that no one is talking about.
Used and Abused Now Loved helps NonCustodial Mother's to obtain or retain custody of their children. Purchase one of their bears and the proceeds will help a hurting mother and her children.
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